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Saturday, September 30, 2006

My Poker Update

Since my last blog entry i've had a few good results which i can't be bothered dredging my memory to remember ........... But i managed to go 26 days in a row as Punters Lounge Best Poker Player (BPP) ................. not bad considering that Morlspin is the nearest to me with 14 days as BPP :0)

Though as much fun as it is to pat myself on the back, the length of time i spent at the top was mostly due to me getting some good results in the space of 8 or 9 days giving me a long time before i had to drop one. As i only play half the focus games (or less) I doubt i'll be heading back to the top anytime soon :0( .......................... but it was fun while it lasted

Update on Goal Poker

Well i've kind of let this slide a lot lately haven't i lol.................................... so unlike me :0)

Given that the last post is about the great time i had at the Goal Poker Ibiza weekend i suppose i have to tell the story of how Goal Poker scored a massive Own goal and are pretty much out of business due to running out of money. full details of how they renaged on paying out WSOP packages that were won on goalpoker by Burnley Joe (Bottom right on Ibiza group photo) and Fenner can be found here:


Its a long Thread! but to paraphrase, if you have any money in a goalpoker account remove it and don't have anything to do with them